
Understanding Emptiness to Become Free – Shabdrung Rinpoche’s Course on The Introduction to the Middle Way

Understanding Emptiness to Become Free – Shabdrung Rinpoche’s Course on The Introduction to the Middle Way

  Sometimes, while studying the middle way that leads to the understanding of emptiness, we can feel a bit lost. Everything gets called into question, and we can feel like the teaching deconstructs our beliefs without proposing any alternative. But don’t...

Cultivating stability in the midst of change – The 4th Forum « A Buddhist perspective on education and youth »

Cultivating stability in the midst of change – The 4th Forum « A Buddhist perspective on education and youth »

    « In three days of forum, I’ve learned more about myself than in the last two years. » This is the feedback from a teen who participated with his mom in the fourth intergenerational forum on education. This year the theme that we explored was «...


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